Saturday 3 July 2010

Longest Tennis Match

Wimbledon 2010 has seen the longest tennis match in the history of the sport between American tennis player John Isner and Frenchman Nicolas Mahut.
The record-breaking contest lasted for a total of 11 hours and five minutes - a punishing 665 minutes. The battle concluded after play stretched over three days.
The 6ft 9in Isner won 3 sets to 2, with the last set being won with after a staggering total of 70 games to 68.
The end came as Mahut approached the net and Isner made a passing shot. Barely believing the match had finished, Isner almost back-flipped on the lawn before standing up and grasping his head between his hands.
Key stats of the match include 138 games in deciding set, 112 Isner aces and 103 Mahut aces.

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