Sunday 22 November 2009

Milton Keynes, England, Frog Clock

Milton Keynes now accommodates an interesting and large (that's understating it) public art clock.
The clock is 16 metres wide, weighs 4 tonnes, and is believed to be one of Britain’s biggest animated feature clocks. At one end of a massive wrought iron gantry sits a large frog, at the other, a forge making golden balls of sunshine. The balls are placed onto a pendulum fixed to a wheel. Every three minutes the wheel moves along the gantry delivering the balls of energy to the frog. A hammer smacks the ball into the clock housing, and it emerges, cascading down an escapement before returning back into the clock. Musical sequences (of questionable taste - I wonder if something could be negotiated with Paul McCartney) are heard in the background and on the hour, the frog’s eyes light up and he blows bubbles onto the crowd below, as a lily-pad spreads out behind him. Youtube hosts a few videos. Here's one:

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